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We invite all members to join a committee. As a member of a committee, you can take a leading role, or work on small projects here and there, depending on your schedule and availability. We have something for everyone!

Once the committees are formed for each TDW-GC term, the committee members will select a chair. Alternatively, the President has the authority to appoint the chair. As a group, you will be responsible for each other and for carrying out the functions of your committee.

And, the most fun — joining a committee is how you get to know other members!

Join a Committee

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall support the purpose of TDW-GC by recruiting women residing in Galveston County and encouraging their participation in the organization and activities of TDW-GC.

Communications Committee

The Communications/Public Relations Committee shall support the purpose of TDW-GC by creating and implementing a communication plan that will inform the public about TDW-GC purposes and events.

Finance/Fundraising Committee

The Finance/Fundraising Committee shall support the purpose of TDW-GC by overseeing the financial operation in accordance with the policies of TDW-GC and by identifying fundraising activities designed to provide the necessary financial support to achieve its purpose and goals.

Legislative/“Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) Committee

The Legislative/Get Out The Vote Committee shall support the purpose of TDW-GC by informing the membership of legislative issues and organizing the Get Out The Vote efforts for Galveston County Democrats.

Education/Outreach Committee

The Education/Outreach Committee shall support the purpose of TDW-GC by identifying and arranging opportunities to educate members on progressive issues and projects by creating outreach partnerships that suppose those issues and projects.